DOEACC Courses
NIELIT is the government scheme of the Digital Literary Courses which is conducted by the Ministry Of Electronics And Information Technology for the development and welfare of the students to become aware about the computer concepts courses. The term NIELIT is stands for National Institute Of Electronics and Information Technology.After Announcement of UP Govt- CCC Course is compulsory for Group C and D Govt Jobs, so many admission in CCC Courses.All are very interested to know about CCC Exam Criteria Syllabus, and also how to passed it..So we provide complete details on Various DOEACC Courses
NIELIT conducts various courses of the digital literacy like ACC, BCC, CCC, CCC+, and ECC.
Awareness in Computer Concepts (ACC)
By undergoing the Awareness in Computer Concepts (ACC), one should be able to acquire basic knowledge on computer & its usage by understanding the following skills:
How to operate the elements of a computer
Perform operations on the computer
Access the Internet and finding information of interest
Register for a web-based e-mail account and using it, Opening of e-mail attachments
Understanding Financial Literacy
Digital Literacy to understand the concept of Online Banking
Create, edit and format documents using a word processor
The module on financial literacy will enable the individuals to understand the various financial services and be aware of the various schemes of Government of India.
20 hours
No minimum qualification is required for applying and appearing for the examination in Awareness of Computer Concepts (ACC).
Certificate could be awarded to the candidates after completion of the course.
SYLLABUS Module Wise:
Module 1 – How to operate the elements of a computer:
Operate the elements of a computer including power chord, power switch, network connecting cable, USB ports, Mouse (click , click and drag, double click, right click (for the context menu)), Keyboard (some of the more common letters, enter, backspace, shift, tab and arrows), interface icons, GUI Elements (use the menu, resize a window, minimize a window, maximize a window, move a window, locate items in Start Menu, using the scrollbar) Editing Options (copy, paste, cut, undo, redo, spell check)
Module 2 – Perform operations on the computer:
Perform operations including switching on the computer, logging in, locating a file, opening a file, printing a document, storing a file with proper extension, creating a folder/ sub folder in a volume on hard disk and desk top, shifting files from one folder to another, shutting off the computer under Windows O.S.
Module 3 – Access the Internet and finding information of interest:
Access the Internet, use a search engine, and find information on a topic of interest
Module 4 – Register for a web-based e-mail account and using it, Opening of e-mail attachments:
Register for a web-based e-mail account, log in and log out of an e-mail account, access email with attachments, Opening an attachment and saving it, reply to an e-mail, forward an e-mail and delete an e-mail message
Module 5 – Understanding Financial Literacy:
Why savings are needed, Why save in a bank, Banking products-ATM card, Banking Instruments-Cheque, Demand Draft (DD), Banking Services Delivery Channels, Know Your Customer (KYC), Opening of bank account and documents required, Types of bank accounts, Bank’s services including remittances, loan, mobile banking, Overdraft, Pension etc., Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), password security and ATM withdrawal, Insurance, Social Security Schemes-Atal Pension Yojana (APY), Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY).
Module 6 – Digital Literacy to understand the concept of Online Banking
Make bill payments, Make money transaction through online banking, book train and bus tickets, pension transactions, seek information on agricultural operations and land records, and interact with employment exchange, municipalities, gram panchayats, police and passport offices
Module 7 – Create, edit and format documents using a word processor:
Module 7 – Create, edit and format documents using a word processor:
Word Processing Basics, Creating, Editing and Formatting of text, Saving and Printing of word document
Introduction:Basic Computer Course (BCC)
Objective of BCC: In step with effort to achieve the objective of achieving computer literacy in an inclusive manner, NIELIT has launched a new program, “Basic Computer Course (BCC)”. The objective of the course is to impart basic level computer appreciation program with more emphasis on hands on training. Initially, the course was conceived as to boost the concept of introducing a course on computer fundamentals, especially for students, studying vocational courses at ITIs/ITCs. However, the course has gained popularity amongst many more categories. The BCC was launched in year 2011. The programme can equip a person to use the computers in day-to-day life for professional and personal use. After completing the course the incumbent will be computer literate and will be able to:
Acquire confidence in using computer techniques available to users;
Recognize the basic components of computers and terminology;
Understand data, information and file management;
Create documents using Word processor, Spreadsheet & Presentation Software;
Understand computer networks, Internet;
Browse the internet, content search, email and collaborate with peers;
Use e-Governance applications;
Use computer to improve existing skills and learn new skills.
Eligibility: The candidates can appear in the NIELIT BCC Examination through following modes :
2.1 Candidates sponsored by NIELIT approved Institutes which are permitted to conduct BCC Course and having obtained e-provisional no. – Irrespective of any educational qualifications;
2.2 Direct Applicants -irrespective of any educational qualification.
Who can conduct the course: The education and training for BCC shall be imparted at the institutions specifically authorized by NIELIT for conducting BCC.
Examination: Examination for the BCC is conducted by the NIELIT as per the schedule/calendar of events given below.
Calendar of events-BCC Every Month Exam Cycle
Examination Fee: The examination fee for BCC is Rs.450/- + Service Tax as applicable which is to be pay online through NEFT/RTGS/CSC-SPV/Online(Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking) while filling up the online examination form.
Fee Plan: –
1. The examination fee for BCC is Rs.450/- + Service Tax as applicable from time to time which is to be pay online through NEFT/RTGS/CSC-SPV/Online(Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking) while filling up the online examination form.
2. There is no Provision of Late Fee.
Knowing computer:
What is Computer, Basic Applications of Computer; Components of Computer System, Central Processing Unit (CPU), VDU, Keyboard and Mouse, Other input/output Devices, Computer Memory, Concepts of Hardware and Software; Concept of Computing, Data and Information; Applications of IECT; Connecting keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer to CPU and checking power supply.
Operating Computer using GUI Based Operating System:
What is an Operating System; Basics of Popular Operating Systems; The User Interface, Using Mouse; Using right Button of the Mouse and Moving Icons on the screen, Use of Common Icons, Status Bar, Using Menu and Menu-selection, Running an Application, Viewing of File, Folders and Directories, Creating and Renaming of files and folders, Opening and closing of different Windows; Using help; Creating Short cuts, Basics of O.S Setup; Common utilities.
Understanding Word Processing:
Word Processing Basics; Opening and Closing of documents; Text creation and Manipulation; Formatting of text; Table handling; Spell check, language setting and thesaurus; Printing of word document.
Using Spread Sheet:
Basics of Spreadsheet; Manipulation of cells; Formulas and Functions; Editing of Spread Sheet, printing of Spread Sheet.
5.Introduction to Internet, WWW and Web Browsers: Basic of Computer networks; LAN, WAN; Concept of Internet; Applications of Internet; connecting to internet; What is ISP; Knowing the Internet; Basics of internet connectivity related troubleshooting, World Wide Web; Web Browsing softwares, Search Engines; Understanding URL; Domain name; IP Address; Using e-governance website
Communications and collaboration:
Basics of electronic mail; Getting an email account; Sending and receiving emails; Accessing sent emails; Using Emails; Document collaboration; Instant Messaging; Netiquettes.
Making Small Presentation: Basics of presentation software; Creating Presentation; Preparation and Presentation of Slides; Slide Show; Taking printouts of presentation / handouts.
Financial Literacy for Banking Scheme and Applications: Why savings are needed, Why save in a bank, Banking products-ATM card, Banking Instruments-Cheque, Demand Draft (DD), Banking Services Delivery Channels, Know Your Customer (KYC), Opening of bank account and documents required, Types of bank accounts, Bank’s services including remittances, loan, mobile banking, Overdraft, Pension etc., Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), password security and ATM withdrawal, Insurance, Social Security Schemes-Atal Pension Yojana (APY), Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY).
CCC(Course on Computer Concepts): About CCC Course, Exam and their Syllabus online exam Schedule.
Introduction: This course is designed to aim at imparting a basic level IT Literacy programme for the common man. This program has essentially been conceived with an idea of giving an opportunity to the common man to attain computer literacy thereby contributing to increased and speedy PC penetration in different walks of life. After completing the course the incumbent should be able to the use the computer for basic purposes of preparing his personnel/business letters, viewing information on internet (the web), receiving and sending mails, preparing his business presentations, preparing small databases etc. This helps the small business communities, housewives, etc. to maintain their small accounts using the computers and enjoy in the world of Information Technology. This course is, therefore, designed to be more practical oriented.
Eligibility: The candidates can appear in the NIELIT CCC Examination through following three modes and the eligibility criteria for each mode are indicated against each:
2.1 Candidates sponsored by Government recognized Schools/Colleges having obtained an Unique Identity number from NIELIT for conducting CCC – irrespective of any educational qualifications; and
2.2 Direct Applicants (without essentially undergoing the Accredited Course or without being sponsored by a Govt. recognised School/College) -irrespective of any educational qualification.
1. The examination fee for CCC is Rs.500.00 + Service tax as applicable which is to be pay online through NEFT/RTGS/CSC-SPV/Online(Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking).
2. There is no Provision of Late Fee
Course on Computer Concepts Plus (CCC PLUS)
The course is a certificate level course, with an aim to equip the workforce entering into / working in government sector with the vital skill set, that is, necessary to cope up with the ever-changing scenario in IT sphere. The course is designed in such a manner, so that, it not only educate an individual with the basic skill set but also enhances the ability of individual to easily grasp the new changes in the dynamic IT field. The course is aimed at skill development in masses, students, employees in professional sectors at middle level. The course may also be considered as an ideal course for re-skilling of an individual and technological advancement. After going through the course, an individual is expected to be equipped with not only the office automation skills but also with the understanding of the latest technologies and e-Gov applications.
The module on financial literacy will enable the individuals to understand the various financial services and be aware of the various schemes of Government of India.
Eligibility: X Pass
126 Hours. (21 days @ 6 hours/day – Full Time or 42 Days @ 3 hours/day – Part Time)
Syllabus Outline
Module1 – Introduction to Computer & Basic Concepts:
What is Computer: Characteristics of Computer System, Basic Applications of Computer; Processing Unit, Keyboard, mouse and VDU, Other Input devices, Other Output devices, Computer Memory
Concept of Hardware and Software: Hardware, Software, Application Software, Systems software, Programming Languages; Representation of Data/Information; Concept of Data processing;
After completing this chapter, you will be able to understand computers, understanding its components and its applications.
Module 2 – Operating System:
Basics of Operating System: Operating system, Basics of popular operating system (LINUX, WINDOWS);
Basics of Operating System: Operating system, Basics of popular operating system (LINUX, WINDOWS);
The User Interface: Task Bar, Icons, Start Menu, Running an Application;
Operating System Simple Setting: Changing System Date And Time, Changing Display Properties, To Add Or Remove A Windows Component, Changing Mouse Properties, Adding and removing Printers;
File and Directory Management: Types of files, What is a file, Naming conventions, File Extensions, File Pathway, Windows Explorer window, Viewing files, File property dialogue box, Explain file size (bytes, kilo, mega, Giga, tera) and abbreviations used, Create a Folder, Move a file (multiple files)into a folder, Delete files and folders, Recovering deleted files, Renaming files, Searching for files, Creating and deleting shortcuts on desktop, How programs may save files in specific location by default. How to find where file is being saved;
Desktop: exploring the desktop, cleaning the desktop;
Desktop: exploring the desktop, cleaning the desktop;
Keep Software updated: how to set automatic updates for windows operating system.
After completing this chapter, you will be able to understand GUI Based operating systems and its components, file management.
Module 3 – Word Processing:
Word Processing Basics: Opening Word Processing Package, Menu Bar, Using The Help, Using The
Icons Below Menu Bar;
Opening and closing Documents: Opening Documents, Save and Save as, Page Setup, Print Preview, Printing of Documents;
Text Creation and manipulation: Document Creation, Editing Text, Text Selection, Cut, Copy and Paste, Spell check, Thesaurus;
Icons Below Menu Bar;
Opening and closing Documents: Opening Documents, Save and Save as, Page Setup, Print Preview, Printing of Documents;
Text Creation and manipulation: Document Creation, Editing Text, Text Selection, Cut, Copy and Paste, Spell check, Thesaurus;
Formatting the Text: Font and Size selection, Alignment of Text, Paragraph Indenting, Bullets and Numbering, Changing case;
Formatting a document: Set page margin, paragraphs and sections within a document, Adjust indents and hanging indents;
Table Manipulation: Draw Table, Changing cell width and height, Alignment of Text in cell, Delete / Insertion of row and column Border and shading, Table Formula;
Inserting Graphic Elements: Insert a clip art picture, insert symbols and special characters, adding a watermark; Using word art; adding a drop cap;
Mail Merge: Using mail merge; printing mailing labels; merging for sending emails using outlook.
Macros , Use of local language
After completing this chapter, you will be able to acquire skills in Word Processing Basics.
Module 4 – Spreadsheet:
Elements of Electronic Spread Sheet: Opening of Spread Sheet, Addressing of Cells, Printing of Spread Sheet, Saving Workbooks;
Manipulation of Cells: Entering Text, Numbers and Dates, Creating Text, Number and Date Series, Editing Worksheet Data, Inserting and Deleting Rows, Column, Changing Cell Height and Width;
Formulas and Function: Using Formulas, Function, basic mathematical operators, using AutoSum etc., using formulas with multiple cell references, finding the right function, relative and absolute cell references, fixing formula errors; Charts: learning about charts, creating charts; Working with graphics; Clip Art; SmartArt.
After completing this chapter, you will be able to acquire skills in creating spreadsheet and its features.
Module 5 – Presentation:
Basic Concepts of presentation: Using PowerPoint, Opening A Power Point Presentation, Saving A Presentation;
Creation of Presentation: Creating a Presentation Using a Template, Creating a Blank Presentation, Entering and Editing Text, Inserting And Deleting Slides in a Presentation;
Preparation of Slides: Inserting Word Table or An Excel Worksheet, Adding Clip Art Pictures, Inserting Other Objects, Resizing and Scaling an Object;
Presentation of Slides: Viewing A Presentation, Choosing a Set Up for Presentation, Printing Slides And Handouts;
Slide Show: Running a Slide Show, Transition and Slide Timings, Automating a Slide Show.
Slide Show: Running a Slide Show, Transition and Slide Timings, Automating a Slide Show.
After completing this chapter, you will be able to acquire skills in creating and developing a presentation and its features.
Module 6 – Database Management System:
Introduction to the concepts of database management system; Creating a database;
Creating a Table: Concepts of field, field types; entering data in a table, preview and print a table, changing row and column height; closing and opening of table, sorting of table, finding and replacing texts; using queries wizard; creating report from tables / queries from report wizard, modifying a report, printing of report; creating a form using wizard, entry in the forms; basic of formatting of forms and reports.
After completing this chapter, you will be able to acquire skills in creating and developing forms, queries and reports
Module 7 – Cyber Security:
Cyber Security: Basic concepts of threats, vulnerabilities, controls; risk; confidentiality, integrity, availability; security policies; security mechanisms; Data Security and protection: concept, creating strong passwords; how to stay safe when surfing on internet: “In private Browsing”, identifying secure website, clear cookies;
Know how to identify a secure web site: https, lock symbol; Security Considerations: Know about security threats from web sites like: viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware. Understand the term malware; Netiquettes;
Netiquettes; Security Considerations: Be aware of the possibility of receiving fraudulent and unsolicited e-mail; phishing, Recognize attempted phishing;
Basics of Software Licensing
Overview and understanding of IT Act 2000.
After completing this chapter student will be able to know about security features & vulnerabilities and will be able to secure its network from attacks
Module 8 – PC Maintenance, Security and Troubleshooting:
Computer Maintenance and Security: Overview of Computer Maintenance and Security, Inbuilt PC Security, tools, Securing documents, Antivirus, Upgrading Operating System and Application software. security; Cleaning the monitor, keyboard, CPU;
Deleting unnecessary programs and files: Disk cleanup, deleting toolbars; defrag hard drive;
Computer Maintenance Programs: Ccleaner, myDefrag, Spinrite etc.;
Basic troubleshooting: restart computer, checking cables, uninstalling a software, start windows in safe mode etc
This unit will introduce about maintenance and troubleshooting of PC. This unit will introduce some maintenance and some troubleshooting techniques to use if there is a problem.
Module 9 – Networking & Troubleshooting:
Basic of Computer Networks: LAN, WAN, Wi-Fi, Broadband, Bluetooth;
Internet: Concept of Internet, Applications of Internet, Connecting to the Internet, Troubleshooting;
WWW, TCP/IP, DNS, Search Engine; Key web browser features, Brief about switch, router, gateway;
Various applications of Internet: e-mail, information gathering, retailing etc.;
WWW, TCP/IP, DNS, Search Engine; Key web browser features, Brief about switch, router, gateway;
Various applications of Internet: e-mail, information gathering, retailing etc.;
Methods of connecting to the Internet: Dial up, ISDN and broadband; Brief introduction to Internet addressing, Internet protocols (TCP/IP, FTP and HTTP);
Define and understand the terms: Internet Service Provider (ISP), Uniform Resource Locator (URL), hyperlink.
Overview of use of search engines and e-mail messages;
Overview of use of search engines and e-mail messages;
Instant Messaging and Collaboration: Using Instant messaging, Instant messaging providers,
Use of Social Networking Sites viz. Facebook, Twitter etc.; Introduction to the concepts of IPv4 and IPv6 networks;
Use of Social Networking Sites viz. Facebook, Twitter etc.; Introduction to the concepts of IPv4 and IPv6 networks;
Network troubleshooting
After completing this chapter, you will be able to understand world of internet, its advantage and understand the Internet as a powerful tool.
Module 10 – Latest Trends in IECT & e-Governance:
§ Applications of IECT: e-governance, Multimedia and Entertainment;
§ Project Management using IT tools & related applications
§ Introduction to Cloud Computing: What is cloud computing, Properties & Characteristics, Service models, Deployment models; Concepts of: IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), SaaS (Software as a service), DaaS (Desktop as a Service).
§ Introduction to Mobile Computing, its components and characteristics.
§ Digital signature: definition as per ITA 2000, how digital signature works; role of certifying authorities: Digital Certificates and their uses, Certifying Authority regulation in India, Obtaining a trial version of a Digital Certificate; legal aspect covering digital signatures in India; how to use digital signatures on electronic documents.
§ e-Governance: Definition of e-Governance, Pillars of e-Governance, Infrastructure for e-Governance, Mission Mode Projects (At least 5), Familiarization with terminology like change management, processing engineering, Govt. Processing engineering and Governance, e-Governance project life cycle, electronically delivery of services, messaging system and case study of any 5 public utility portal related with the Department (especially, public grievance redressal system, RTI, Vigilance, Department working and financial inclusion, linkage with Aadhar etc.)
After completing this chapter, you will be able to understand the concepts of cloud computing and mobile computing, you will be able to understand the IT Act 2000 on the nature and operation of digital signatures and get an idea about e-Governance & its benefits.
Module 11 – Application of Digital Financial Services
Why savings are needed, Why save in a bank, Banking products-ATM card, Rupay Card, Banking Instruments-Cheque, Demand Draft (DD), Currency Notes, Banking Services Delivery Channels, Know Your Customer (KYC), Opening of bank account and documents required, Types of bank accounts, Bank’s services including remittances, loan, mobile banking, Overdraft, Pension etc., Types of Insurance, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), password security and ATM withdrawal, Insurance, Social Security Schemes-Atal Pension Yojana (APY), Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY).
After completing this chapter, you will be able to understand the concepts of internet banking and the financial services provided by the Government, banking products etc. you will also be aware of the various social security schemes of the country and utilize it for your benefit.
Module 12 – Soft Skills:
§ Effective communication: features of effective communication;
§ Communication Skills & Call Handling Skills
§ Listening skills: Types of Listening; Tips for Effective/ Listening: Academic Listening- (lecturing), Listening to talks and Presentations, Listening to Announcements.
§ Corporate culture
§ Behavioral Skills
§ Vocabulary Development
§ Pronunciation
§ Reading
§ Listening And Speaking
§ Writing
Expert Computer Course (ECC)
The aim of ECC is to assist a prospective entrant into a professional stream with attaining the necessary skills and knowledge needed to complete in today’s competitive scenario. The focus of the course is divided amongst the following four dimensions:
§ Understanding Computer Hardware, Software and its maintenance
§ Office Automation – Disposal of daily routine jobs using Office Automation Tools
§ Exploring the wide world of Internet and latest technologies in online services and e-Gov applications
§ Personality development with communication skills
The course emphasizes on skill development and latest advancements in the technological world that will help an individual to build up and upgrade skills thereby closing the technological gaps.
The module on financial literacy will enable the individuals to understand the various financial services and be aware of the various schemes of Government of India.
Eligibility: XII Pass
200 Hours
Module 1 – Introduction to Computer & Basic Concepts:
§ What is Computer: Characteristics of Computer System, Basic Applications of Computer; Processing Unit, Keyboard, mouse and VDU, Other Input devices, Other Output devices, Computer Memory;
§ Concept of Hardware and Software: Hardware, Software, Application Software, Systems software, Programming Languages; Representation of Data/Information; Concept of Data processing;
After completing this chapter, you will be able to understand computers, understanding its components and its applications.
Module 2 – Operating System:
§ Basics of Operating System: Operating system, Basics of popular operating system (LINUX, WINDOWS);
§ The User Interface: Task Bar, Icons, Start Menu, Running an Application- notepad, paint etc..;
§ Operating System Simple Setting: Changing System Date And Time, Changing Display Properties, To Add Or Remove A Windows Component, Changing Mouse Properties, Adding and removing Printers;
§ File and Directory Management: Types of files, What is a file, Naming conventions, File Extensions, File Pathway, Windows Explorer window, Viewing files, File property dialogue box, Explain file size (bytes, kilo, mega, giga,tera) and abbreviations used, Create a Folder, Move a file (multiple files)into a folder, Delete files and folders, Recovering deleted files, Renaming files, Searching for files, Creating and deleting shortcuts on desktop, How programs may save files in specific location by default. How to find where file is being saved;
§ Desktop: exploring the desktop, cleaning the desktop;
§ Keep Software updated: how to set automatic updates for windows operating system.
After completing this chapter, you will be able to understand GUI Based operating systems and its components, file management.
Module 3 – Basic Computer Hardware:
§ Introduction,
§ Getting started with PC hardware support, Electricity and power systems, CPUs and motherboards,
§ Basic Input/Output System, Memory systems, Bus structures, color combination of network cable Expansion cards, Ports, connectors, and cables,
§ Data storage devices,
§ Video and multimedia input/output devices,
§ Printers, Portable computers and devices, Connecting computers,
The objective of this Chapter is to acquaint an individual with the concepts of computer hardware.
Module 4 – Word Processing:
§ Word Processing Basics: Opening Word Processing Package, Menu Bar, Using The Help, Using The Icons Below Menu Bar;
§ Opening and closing Documents: Opening Documents, Save and Save as, Page Setup, Print Preview, Printing of Documents;
§ Text Creation and manipulation: Document Creation, Editing Text, Text Selection, Cut, Copy and Paste, Spell check, Thesaurus;
§ Formatting the Text: Font and Size selection, Alignment of Text, Paragraph Indenting, Bullets and Numbering, Changing case;
§ Formatting a document: Set page margin, paragraphs and sections within a document, Adjust indents and hanging indents;
§ Table Manipulation: Draw Table, Changing cell width and height, Alignment of Text in cell, Delete / Insertion of row and column Border and shading, Table formulas;
§ Inserting Graphic Elements: Insert a clip art picture, insert symbols and special characters, adding a watermark; Using word art; adding a drop cap;
§ Mail Merge: Using mail merge; printing mailing labels; merging for sending emails using outlook.
§ Use of local language
§ Macros
After completing this chapter, you will be able to acquire skills in Word Processing Basics.
Module 5 – Spreadsheet:
§ Elements of Electronic Spread Sheet: Opening of Spread Sheet, Addressing of Cells, Printing of Spread Sheet, Saving Workbooks;
§ Manipulation of Cells: Entering Text, Numbers and Dates, Creating Text, Number and Date Series, Editing Worksheet Data, Inserting and Deleting Rows, Column, Changing Cell Height and Width;
§ Formulas and Function: Using Formulas, Function, basic mathematical operators, using AutoSum etc., using formulas with multiple cell references, finding the right function, relative and absolute cell references, fixing formula errors; Charts: learning about charts, creating charts; Working with graphics; Clip Art; SmartArt.
§ Use of Pivot Table and Pivot Chart.
After completing this chapter, you will be able to acquire skills in creating spreadsheet and its features.
Module 6 – Presentation:
§ Basic Concepts of presentation: Using PowerPoint, Opening A Power Point Presentation, Saving A Presentation;
§ Creation of Presentation: Creating a Presentation Using a Template, Creating a Blank Presentation, Entering and Editing Text, Inserting And Deleting Slides in a Presentation;
§ Preparation of Slides: Inserting Word Table or An Excel Worksheet, Adding Clip Art Pictures, Inserting Other Objects, Resizing and Scaling an Object;
§ Presentation of Slides: Viewing A Presentation, Choosing a Set Up for Presentation, Printing Slides And Handouts;
§ Slide Show: Running a Slide Show, Transition and Slide Timings, Automating a Slide Show.
After completing this chapter, you will be able to acquire skills in creating and developing a presentation and its features.
Module 7 – Database Management Systems:
§ Introduction to the concepts of database management system; Creating a database;
§ Creating a Table: concepts of field, field types; entering data in a table, preview and print a table, changing row and column height; closing and opening of table, sorting of table, finding and replacing texts; using queries wizard; creating report from tables / queries from report wizard, modifying a report, printing of report; creating a form using wizard, entry in the forms; basic of formatting of forms and reports.
After completing this chapter, you will be able to acquire skills in creating and developing forms, queries and reports.
Module 8 – Cyber Security:
§ Cyber Security: Basic concepts of threats, vulnerabilities, controls; risk; confidentiality, integrity, availability; security policies; security mechanisms; Data Security and protection: concept, creating strong passwords; how to stay safe when surfing on internet: “In private Browsing”, identifying secure website, clear cookies;
§ Know how to identify a secure web site: https, lock symbol; Security Considerations: Know about security threats from web sites like: viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware. Understand the term malware; Netiquettes, DOS, DDOS;
§ Netiquettes; Security Considerations: Be aware of the possibility of receiving fraudulent and unsolicited e-mail; phishing, Recognize attempted phishing;
§ Basics of Software Licensing
§ Overview and understanding of IT Act 2000.
After completing this chapter student will be able to know about security features & vulnerabilities and will be able to secure its network from attacks.
Module 9 – PC Maintenance, Security & Troubleshooting:
§ Computer Maintenance and Security: Overview of Computer Maintenance and Security, Inbuilt PC Security, tools, Securing documents, Antivirus, Upgrading Operating System and Application software. security; Cleaning the monitor, keyboard, CPU;
§ Deleting unnecessary programs and files: Disk cleanup, deleting toolbars; defrag hard drive;
§ Computer maintenance programs: Ccleaner, myDefrag, Spinrite etc.;
§ Basic troubleshooting: restart computer, checking cables, uninstalling a software, start windows in safe mode etc.
§ Windows installation and upgrades, CPUs and motherboards, Memory systems, Expansion cards, Data storage devices, Ports, connectors, and cables, Printers and scanners, Display devices, Portable computers and devices, Networking, Security, Maintaining the PC environment.
This unit will introduce about maintenance and troubleshooting of PC.
Module 10 – Networking & Troubleshooting:
§ Basic of Computer Networks: LAN, WAN, Wi-Fi, Broadband, Bluetooth;
§ Internet: Concept of Internet, Applications of Internet, Connecting to the Internet, Troubleshooting; WWW, TCP/IP, DNS, Search Engine; Key web browser features, Brief about switch, router, gateway;
§ Various applications of Internet: e-mail, information gathering, retailing etc.;
§ Methods of connecting to the Internet: Dial up, ISDN and broadband; Brief introduction to Internet addressing, Internet protocols (TCP/IP, FTP and HTTP);
§ Define and understand the terms: Internet Service Provider (ISP), Uniform Resource Locator (URL), hyperlink;
§ Internet protocols (TCP/IP, FTP and HTTP);
§ Define and understand the terms: Internet Service Provider (ISP), Uniform Resource Locator (URL), hyperlink;
§ Know how to identify a secure web site:https, lock symbol; Security Considerations: Know about security threats from web sites like: viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware.
§ Using Favorites Folder, Downloading Web Pages, Printing Web Pages, Understanding URL, Set the web browser Home Page/Start page; Bookmark a web page, Delete a bookmark, Publishing on the
§ Web, Downloading Web Pages, Printing Web
§ Pages; Complete a web-based form using: text boxes, drop-down menus, list boxes, check boxes, radio buttons; Understanding benefits of Search Engines and Popular Search Engines (Google, Alta Vista, Excite);
§ Commerce on Internet, Impact of Internet on Society.
§ Overview of use of search engines and e-mail messages;
§ Instant Messaging and Collaboration: Using Instant messaging, Instant messaging providers,
§ Use of Social Networking Sites viz. Facebook, Twitter etc.; Introduction to the concepts of IPv4 and IPv6 networks;
§ Network troubleshooting
Module 11 – Latest trends in IECT & e-Governance:
Applications of IECT: e-governance, Multimedia and Entertainment;
§ Project Management using IT tools & related applications
§ Introduction to Cloud Computing: What is cloud computing, Properties & Characteristics, Service models, Deployment models; Concepts of: IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), SaaS (Software as a service), DaaS (Desktop as a Service).
§ Introduction to Mobile Computing, its components and characteristics.
§ Digital signature: definition as per ITA 2000, how digital signature works; role of certifying authorities: Digital Certificates and their uses, Certifying Authority regulation in India, Obtaining a trial version of a Digital Certificate; legal aspect covering digital signatures in India; how to use digital signatures on electronic documents. Legal aspects covering digital signatures in India.
§ e-Governance: Definition of e-Governance, Pillars of e-Governance, Infrastructure for e-Governance, Mission Mode Projects (At least 5), Familiarization with terminology like change management, processing engineering, Govt. Processing engineering and Governance, e-Governance project life cycle, electronically delivery of services, messaging system and case study of any 5 public utility portal related with the Department (especially, public grievance redressal system, RTI, Vigilance, Department working and financial inclusion, linkage with Aadhar etc.)
After completing this chapter, you will be able to understand the concepts of cloud computing and mobile computing, you will be able to understand the IT Act 2000 on the nature and operation of digital signatures and get an idea about e-Governance & its benefits.
Module 12 – Application of Digital Financial Services
Why savings are needed, Why save in a bank, Banking products-ATM card, Rupay Card, Banking Instruments-Cheque, Demand Draft (DD), Currency Notes, Banking Services Delivery Channels, Know Your Customer (KYC), Opening of bank account and documents required, Types of bank accounts, Bank’s services including remittances, loan, mobile banking, Overdraft, Pension etc., Types of Insurance, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), password security and ATM withdrawal, Insurance, Social Security Schemes-Atal Pension Yojana (APY), Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY).
After completing this chapter, you will be able to understand the concepts of internet banking and different financial services provided by the Government, banking products etc. you will also be aware of the various social security schemes of the country and utilize it for your benefit.
Module 13 – ELECTRONIC MAIL – A detailed view:
Basics of E-mail: What is an Electronic Mail,
§ Mailbox: Inbox and Outbox, Creating and Sending a new E-mail, Forwarding an E-mail message, Sorting and Searching emails, Document collaboration; instant Messaging and Collaboration: Using Instant messaging, Instant messaging providers, Netiquettes;
§ Configuring mail on mobile, creating groups, message formations, do’s & don’t using mobile, attachment, difference between Bcc & Cc
§ Email Protocols: SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, MIME5; Email Clients: Netscape mail clients, Outlook Express, web based E-mail; Email encryption.
The objective of this Chapter is to develop the skills to effectively compose emails and its features.
Module 14 – Introduction to Multimedia:
Basic concepts, Hardware requirement for multimedia computer; Textural information;
§ Components of Multimedia: Images and their types, Animation, Digital audio, Digital Video Software for Multimedia, Introduction to MS-Publisher and Photodraw, Developing simple application and presentations using MS-Publisher.
The objective of this Chapter is to understand the concepts of multimedia and building small applications/presentations using multimedia.
Module15 – HTML Programming Basics:
§ Concepts of HTML page structure,
§ FrontPage / Interdev
§ HTML text, HTML Links, Using CSS, Using tables,
§ HTML document tables,
§ HTML frames,
§ HTML images,
The objective of this chapter is to develop the understanding of HTML.
Module 16 – Soft Skills:
§ Effective communication: features of effective communication;
§ Communication Skills & Call Handling Skills
§ Listening Skills: Types of Listening; Tips for Effective Listening: Academic Listening- (lecturing), Listening to Talks and Presentations, Listening to Announcements.
§ Corporate culture
§ CRM Concepts
§ Selling skills
§ Behavioral Skills
§ Vocabulary Development
§ Pronunciation
§ Reading
§ Listening And Speaking
§ Writing
§ Integrated Skills
§ Non-Verbal Communication
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